Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Lessons from Bapu!!!!

Last week marked the 140th Birth Anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi : The father of our nation. In light of the Mahatmas birthday I would like to add a couple of thoughts which came across in my mind over the past several years.

He had practiced and preached a lot of virtuous principles which remain a dream to a lot of us who continue to hold the Mahatma on a pedestal beyond our reach. I have noticed and continue to notice that, Whenever the example of Gandhi is given for a good practice, the answer comes back immediately "ah, its possible only for Gandhiji and not for mere mortals" immediately alleviating and relieving oneself from the potential responsibility.

The point in hand that I would like to make is Gandhi is Gandhiji today not because he was God or because he was superhuman. He was a normal man like anyone one of us, the ideals he held was possible and is possible for all of us, alas the age of Gandhi has still not dawned upon us. He is what he is today because of the tremendous self discipline and simplicity. He was not a man of great oratorical skills but could stir millions into action with his voice because people connected to him, they could relate to him, they realised here was a man who was doing something not out of self interest but for public unity. All this popularity and reverence did not happen in a day, even Gandhi was not elevated in a day, it took years of patient and rigorous practicing of all the virtues. Today's youngsters caught in a vortex of instant gratification want it in a flash, even the great accomplishments are expected to be completed in the shortest possible time and effort required. This has led to a severe lack of confidence and pride which is required in today's demanding world.

I plead and request all my fellow human folk to believe in themselves that things are possible provided they want to do it. One needs determination and great amounts of self will, the greater the task at hand the greater the effort thats required. There are great tasks which are at hand and which needs to be done at the earliest. This is not a period of self doubt and self-pity.
