Friday, March 17, 2006

Chinese Wireless Revolution

The growing trend in the rapidly developing countries is the leapfrog in technological shift and acceptance. Western Europe and America had to go through a phase of laying cables, setting up telephone lines and made it available in the nook and corner of their nation states. This actually cost so much to these governments and when the phase of upgrading came it takes so much effort and money to change an already up and running system. The wireless technology is the latest addition and it has put the existing telephone lines to fall out of favour but still is not as efficient as the convention mode of communication. Whereas Countries like China and India who do not have the resources to lay cable lines and set up telephone systems are actually jumping into the wireless stream. The latest news is that China mobile is the world's largest cell phone operator, this was unimaginable a decade ago with 900 million chinese living in rural areas. This shift in technology has allowed the developing to bridge the gap with the developed. The intangible cultural shifts which these technological leaps will create is hard to understand. Whereas the developed countries go through a step by step process of advancement, the developing leap right into it which will create a bigger generation gap in the knowledge of these gadgets and also in the operating nature of the people.

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